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Chanchal Pandey is a professional watercolor artist, photographer, hiker presently living and working in New Delhi, India. Born in 1985, he hails from the picturesque valleys of Berinag, Kumaon (Uttarakhand). He was profoundly inclined towards artwork especially colors from a tender age. Inspired from the natural beauty of the Himalayas and to surpass the limited resources of his childhood days he found refuge in painting.

My paintings are an allegory of my perception. My observations are emoted through my paintings. I use watercolor as my medium of expression for both idealistic and realistic artworks. Most of my paintings are the finished versions of my thumbnail study, frequently enhanced and modified upon my imagination. I choose both warm and cool color combinations for optical mixing, splattering, stippling and dry brushes thereby enhancing textural clarity. Apart from landscapes, my paintings include historical sculptures, antique objects, any form of faded, distorted rust surfaces, wooden textures and still life.


Size:- 70 cm x 40 cm
Medium:- Water color on Paper (440 gsm )
Year:- 2022
Price:- 1850$

Latest Painting

Size – 46 cm x 130 cm, Medium – Water color on, Paper (640 gsm ), Year – 2024, Price- 1250$

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